
The magical effect water has on/in an image...AMAZING! Water magazine focuses on beautiful models and water. All photos submitted must have water in them. No nudity. All models are aged 18+ and are of all sizes, races, sexes, and styles. Our goal is to have our first issue out by early 2024. We are now, and will be at all times, accepting models.


-Send us 4+ high quality photos that you own 100% outright

-All photographer credits

-The name you go by

-Date of birth with year

-Contact email

-All links to you

Please send all of the above to email:  

EMAIL:  mru@mollyroxxuniverse.us

-Photo Guidelines-

All photos must be large and clear and owned by you.


Professional photos are not required as long as they are high quality.

Selfie sticks and tripods are accepted.

We do not accept edited photos.


~Meet our team~

Molly Roxx
Quinn Cristall

© Copyright Water Magazine 2023